Undergraduate Recipients
1. Must meet ALL Submittal Deadlines Posted on the Scholar Portal Home Page.*
2. Must work 240 hours from January 1 to September 1, prior to the start of the fall semester of each academic year.*
3. First year recipients must live on campus the first semester of college.
4. First year recipients must join one campus organization the first semester in college.
5. Academic Responsibilities:
a. Must achieve a 3.00 grade point average each semester.*
b. Must maintain a 3.25 cumulative grade point average after the first semester.*
c. Must earn 14 GPA credit hours the fall semester, and 30 GPA credit hours the fall and spring semesters to be eligible for a disbursement.*
d. Must earn 12 GPA credit hours the fall semester, and 28 GPA credit hours the fall and spring semesters to keep the scholarship.*
e. Must earn at least one-half of the required GPA credit hours from seated face-to-face on-campus classes.*
6. Must maintain a four-year or less graduation schedule, or earn the equivalent of a four year degree if in a professional program.*
7. Must declare an academic major by the junior year in college.
8. Must fulfill workshop responsibilities.*
9. Must fulfill Schwab Account responsibilities.*
10. Must not incur non-educational debt in excess of $20,000 without HSF prior approval.
11. Must apply for eligible Federal, State and Institutional grants.
12. Must comply with HSF Policies and must not act in a manner which brings discredit upon HSF, its Grantor, Trustee, employees, volunteers, scholarship recipients, colleges or universities, or recipient.
* NO Exceptions
Graduate Recipients
1. Must meet ALL Submittal Deadlines posted on the Scholar Portal Home Page.*
2. Must work 240 hours from January 1 to September 1, prior to the start of the fall semester of each academic year.*
3. Academic Responsibilities:
a. Must achieve a 3.25 grade point average each semester.*
b. Must maintain a 3.50 CGPA after the first semester.*
c. Must maintain the Graduation Schedule approved when awarded the scholarship.*
4. Must comply with HSF Policies and must not act in a manner which brings discredit upon HSF, its Grantor, Trustee, employees, volunteers, scholarship recipients, colleges or universities, or recipient.
* NO Exceptions
Fall Semester Submittal Deadline September 20, 2024:
1. Undergraduate students must provide confirmation of a four-year or less graduation schedule*
2. Must provide school confirmation showing the Total Cost of Attendance*
3. Must provide school itemization of ALL financial aid received for the current semester.*
4. Must provide a copy of the school billing for ALL costs incurred for the current semester.
5. Must provide the first two pages of the recipient’s FAFSA Submission Summary showing recipient’s Student Aid Index (SAI).
6. Must provide a list of enrolled courses and ALL scholarships, awards, grants and financial aid*
7. Must provide an employment report documenting 240 hours work*
8. Must provide recipient’s financial statement*
9. Must provide an annual progress report* (does not apply to first-year recipients)
10. Must provide a signed FERPA Agreement*
* Form provided
A Sumbittal Link will be emailed to recipients by September 1. After September 20 award amounts will be determined and disbursed by November 1 to the recipient’s college or university. Until that time move forward as if you did not have a Hagan Scholarship. Disbursements can be used to repay educational loans.
Spring Semester Submittal Deadline February 10, 2025:
1. Must provide school confirmation showing the Total Cost of Attendance*
2. Must provide school itemization of ALL free financial aid received for the current semester.*
3. Must provide a copy of the school billing for ALL costs incurred for the current semester.
4. Must provide a list of enrolled courses and ALL scholarships, awards, grants and financial aid*
5. First year recipients must provide confirmation of membership in a campus organization*
6. Must provide a complete copy of recipient’s Official Grade Transcript including fall semester information.
* Form provided
A Submittal Link will be emailed to recipients by January 24. After February 10 award amounts will be determined and disbursed by April 1 to the recipient’s college or university.
Transcript Submittal Deadline June 25, 2025:
1. Must provide a complete copy of recipient’s Official Grade Transcript including spring semester information.
2. A Submittal Link will be emailed to recipients in May.
3. Does not apply to high school graduates who have been awarded a Hagan Scholarship.
Email Instructions
The email subject line must first show recipient’s HSF identification number, then last name, underscore, first name, underscore, subject matter.
Example: 13906 Smith_John_Spring Transcript
ALL emails pertaining to the same matter must be contained in one chain of emails. We will not research prior emails to provide an informed response. Send all emails to
Mailing Instructions
The return address must first show recipient’s HSF Identification Number, then Last Name, underscore, First Name; followed by recipient’s First and Last Name, Current Address, City, State and Zip Code. DO NOT send mail requiring a signature.
Example Return Address
13906 Smith, John
John Smith
324 Winding Road
Beaver Creek, CO 65392
Mail to
Hagan Scholarship Foundation
PO Box 1225
Columbia, MO 65205