Q & A

How many new scholarships can be awarded?
Up to 1,200 new Hagan Scholarships can be awarded for the 2025-2026 academic year.

How many colleges and universities have been attended by Hagan Scholars?
Hagan Scholars have attended 637 colleges and universities located in 49 states and the District of Columbia.

How much is the Hagan Scholarship worth?
1. Undergraduate Scholarship: Up to $60,000 over 8 semesters.
2. Graduate Scholarship: Up to $30,000 over 4 semesters.
3. Free Workshops to learn important life skills.
Other Benefits:
4. First Year: $2,000 to purchase essential items for college.
5. Second Year: $100 to establish a Personal Schwab Brokerage Account. $10,000 HSF Schwab Account to manage.
6. Third Year: $15,000 HSF Schwab Account to manage. Up to $8,000 to Study/Travel abroad.
7. Fourth Year:  $20,000 HSF Schwab Account to manage.
8. After Graduation: Each recipient receives all gains in their managed HSF Schwab Account, up to $10,000.

Can I attend the college or university of my choice?
Yes. Recipients can attend any traditional four-year not-for-profit college or university accredited by one of six regional accreditors in the United States and enrolling over 500 students. Refer to the Eligible Institutions Link.

Can a Hagan Scholarship be used to attend Graduate School?
Yes. To receive funding for graduate school, recipients must apply for and be awarded a Hagan Graduate Scholarship the last semester in college prior to receiving an undergraduate degree, or after completing the number of credit hours required for the equivalent of an undergraduate degree if in a professional program requiring more than four years of college.

If I graduate early or earn 140 credit hours in less than four years will I lose my Hagan Scholarship?
No. Recipients graduating early and not continuing their college education, and recipients who have earned 140 credit hours in less than four years based on their Official Grade Transcript will not lose their Hagan Scholarship, only additional funding of the scholarship. All other benefits and responsibilities remain intact until the recipient’s Award Year Class graduates college. Continuing benefits include: Study Abroad, managing the HSF Schwab Account, Workshops, Graduation Recognition and Awards.

What are my chances of graduating college while in the Hagan Scholarship Program?
About Fifty Percent. Most scholarships are lost due to a failure to earn the required number of credit hours, a failure to achieve the minimum GPA or CGPA requirements, or a failure to fulfill the 240 hour work requirement. Good Time Management Skills, Learning How to Prioritize Responsibilities, Learing How to Say No, and Good Study Habits are essential in order to keep the Hagan Scholarship and to maintain a balanced life.

Can the Hagan Scholarship be used to Study Abroad?
Yes. Third year recipients of a Hagan Scholarship can Study/Travel abroad during the winter intercession, the second semester in college, during spring break or the following summer.

Are Schwab Scholar Account Awards Taxable?
Yes. Gains from managing the HSF Schwab Brokerage Account are taxed as ordinary income in the year received.

Can the Hagan Scholarship be used to fund Online courses?
Yes. However, recipeints must earn at least one-half of all mandatory GPA credit hours from seated face-to-face on-campus classes.

Is this a need-based or merit-based scholarship?
BOTH. Applicants must authenticate genuine financial need in order to attend college. Recipients are selected based upon academic ability, achievement in and out of school, personal goals and future promise.

What is Household Income?
“Household Income” is defined as the total gross income received by all members of a household living under the same roof for the prior calendar year, excluding the applicant or recipient.

I have a conflict, can I be excused from fulfilling a scholarship requirement?
No. To be fair to all recipients we will not make exceptions to the scholarship criteria. If there is a conflict, the recipient must decide which is more important the scholarship or conflict.

Will the Hagan Scholarship help pay personal expenses?
Yes. The Total Cost of Attendance includes personal and transportation costs.

Can the Hagan Scholarship be used to attend a community college?
No. Recipients must attend a four-year or higher not-for-profit accredited college or university. Students can typically work and attend a community college without incurring substanital debt.

How is the dollar amount of each scholarship determined?
Scholarship disbursements are determined each semester. Read the Scholarship Information Link, Paragraph 1. Recipients living at home or with family are not eligible for room and board disbursements.

Can I decline offered scholarships, awards, and grants to increase the Hagan Scholarship?
No. Any such action will result in loss of the Hagan Scholarship.

Can the scholarship award amount be adjusted?
Yes. The scholarship award amount will be adjusted each subsequent semester to offset the expiration or loss of other scholarships, awards, grants, and waivers and changes in the recipient’s EFC.

When are scholarship disbursements made?
Disbursements are made after receiving and processing Submittal information, typically after mid-semester.

How do I maintain my eligibility for the scholarship?
Recipients must remain current with all scholarship responsibilities, including HSF Schwab Accounts, Study Abroad if applicable, and Workshop Responsibilities.

When can I apply for a scholarship?
After September 1.

Can I provide additional information after submitting my Scholarship Application?
No. All information must be submitted with the Scholarship Application.

Can I add classes after my scholarship funds have been disbursed?
Yes. Additional costs must be paid by the recipient.

Can I transfer my scholarship to another school?
Yes. A scholarship recipient may transfer one time to another eligible college or university. Additionally, first year recipients can change schools until commencement of the fall semester.

What happens if I fail to comply with Recipient Responsibilities?
Failure to comply with Recipient Responsibilities will result in loss of the scholarship and the loss of any gains in the HSF Schwab Account.

Why have workshops?
The mandatory workshops are intended to help recipients obtain a practical understanding of important life skills not typically covered in the school curriculum.

Why are recipients required to work?
The Grantor worked during high school and college and believes each scholarship recipient will personally benefit by contributing to the cost of his or her education.

Can work study be used to satisfy the work requirement?
Yes. All regularly scheduled work performed under supervision for compensation can be included when detemining hours worked.

Can home schooled students apply for a scholarship?

Why so particular about the Application Process?
1. To minimize administrative costs.
2. To see how well each applicant follows instructions.

Is there an application or processing fee?
There is no application or processing fee.